Lava: Bronze sculpture-Mrinalini Mukherjee
Title: Mrinalini Mukherjee – Lava: Bronze sculpture
Pages: 99
Year: 2010
Text : ‘A Sovereign Exuberance’, essay by Henry-Claude Cousseau (translated from the French by Gila Walker)
ISBN 978-81-90850-43-8
“Figures of gestation, emblems of growth and germination, one will have noticed that Mukherjee’s works are formed around a centre or a void hidden from the eye by a dizzying play of spirals and whorls. Invariably, this is where the core of their genesis is anchored. Many of her pieces appear to emerge as if under the impact of an invisible force or pressure. In the same series of large terracotta pieces made in Hertogenbosch, the shapes unite diverse variants: at times, vegetal concretions laying low on the ground or seeming to rise out of it, moved by a subterranean force; at other times, tall, slender configurations that evoke an upright body caught in an irresistibly ascending motion, trapped at once in the undulations of the earth, the reddish glow of flames and in the dark of combustion…”