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The Challenge of Abstraction – by Ranjit Hoskote

The Challenge of Abstraction – by Ranjit Hoskote

November 27, 2020

Event Details

Talk | Friday, Nov 27, 6.30 – 7.30 pm IST

Gallery Espace presents An online lecture – The Challenge of Abstraction, By Ranjit Hoskote @rhoskote

The talk is being held in conjunction with ‘Abstract Notations ‘, an online exhibition curated by Jesal Thacker @jesal_thacker. The show, which is currently running on the Gallery Espace Instagram handle, features works by 30 artists whose practice falls under the broad rubric of ‘abstraction’.

Ranjit Hoskote has been acclaimed as a seminal contributor to Indian art criticism and curatorial practice, and is also a distinguished poet. In this talk, he will discuss abstraction in India from a perspective that he has developed over three decades of close engagement with the family of practices we describe as ‘abstraction’. As he observes, abstract art is often misunderstood as being ‘beyond language’ or ‘beyond interpretation’ and therefore automatically ‘mystical’, or then as being merely a lyrical exercise, gestural play, almost decorative. In fact, abstraction is a full-bodied act of wrestling with some of our deepest experiences of belonging, alienation, curiosity, wonderment, and love. It can involve the panoramic expansion of our senses in the face of beauty and the Sublime. At its best, abstraction is a radical challenge: it challenges us to think and feel without the familiar and comforting frameworks of language, figuration and object-orientation. Hoskote will reflect on Indian abstraction’s close relationship to expressive culture, cosmology, and classical music; its correspondence with the art of the sacred diagram, the aniconic wayside shrine, and the visionary landscape; and also its interplay with those very non-abstract properties, materiality and the density of time.

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The talk will also live stream, Here on the Gallery Espace Facebook page


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